
Snow Cream – A Yummy Treat

This is a wonderful treat to make with all the “Feet” of snow we get in Maine. Try it and enjoy. Just remember, the snow needs to be White!!! Not yellow, brown or have any other foreign material in it. Make this nectar in a jar, so you can make just small batches of snow […] Read more…

Pricing Your Crafts

This has always been a very difficult task as a crafter. It is easy to figure out how much you spent on materials, it is pricing your labor. The method I use is determined on what would I pay an employee to do this task. Simple sanding or base painting is not a highly skilled […] Read more…

It’s November; Do I Buy Holiday Crafts Now?

Every year it seems the major retail holiday, aka Christmas, is migrating closer to the middle of the year. We now enjoy “Christmas in July” options, which were unheard of years ago. This poses some interesting challenges to crafters that are not selling “personal items”. Do we go with Fall and Thanksgiving themed crafts? On […] Read more…

Country Chest – The Price is Right

carborough Country Chest-Cream 1 - My Lovi

Working full-time and also trying to launch a craft business is a lot of work. All crafters that are serious about building a business run into the issue of pricing their product at some point. So…what do you think is the price of this country chest? It would be great to know what you think it […] Read more…

What Type Of Craft Show Interests You?

It has been awhile since the last post. I am back into posting and looking forward to sharing some new thoughts, ideas and crafting tidbits. Halloween is right around the corner, but so are the craft fairs and shows. This week’s post is about what is a “Juried” and “non-Juried” show. In addition, should it make […] Read more…

The Long and Winding…..Craft Road (Part 1)

With fall approaching and many of my readers attending arts and craft shows soon, what better time to break down crafts by medium and learn what other crafters know about their trade. I always feel that an informed consumer is the best consumer. This week I will focus on hand painted crafts. One thing I […] Read more…

Battery or Electric – Whatever Should I Do?

As I sit in my studio with wood parts surrounding me, I cannot decide if I want to make my lighted houses and hangings with battery or electric lighting. These are small houses and shelf sitters, so I am thinking that they should be battery operated so that it does not limit the possibilities of […] Read more…

Up To My Elbows In Clay

The summer season has been wonderful in Maine this year (compared to last year), but it is going too fast. Not because I do not want to wish away the season (I enjoy the Fall season much better), but craft shows are looming upon me. Many people when they make an item, it is usually one […] Read more…