
The Long & WInding Craft Road

What is your Craft Pricing Model?

With the new year in full swing, I am revisiting the prices for all the products that I have on my website. Not that I will automatically go up in price, but to review cost of materials (which do go up), overhead and also I might want to give myself a raise. I do not […] Read more…

It’s November; Do I Buy Holiday Crafts Now?

Every year it seems the major retail holiday, aka Christmas, is migrating closer to the middle of the year. We now enjoy “Christmas in July” options, which were unheard of years ago. This poses some interesting challenges to crafters that are not selling “personal items”. Do we go with Fall and Thanksgiving themed crafts? On […] Read more…

The Long and Winding…..Craft Road (Part 1)

With fall approaching and many of my readers attending arts and craft shows soon, what better time to break down crafts by medium and learn what other crafters know about their trade. I always feel that an informed consumer is the best consumer. This week I will focus on hand painted crafts. One thing I […] Read more…