12 days of Christmas

It might seem strange, but the true Christmas season starts on Christmas Day (not in July or early October).

What are the 12 days of Christmas?

The 12 days of Christmas is the period between Christ’s birth and the Magi’s coming, the three wise men. It technically begins on December 25 (Christmas) and runs through January 6 (the Epiphany, sometimes called Three Kings’ Day). The four weeks before Christmas are known as Advent (something more meaningful than all that candy we eat daily).

“The 12 Days of Christmas” is also a Christmas carol in which the singer brags about all the cool gifts they received from their “true love” during the 12 days of Christmas. I like “The 12 Pains of Christmas” by Bob Rivers. It is very relatable and funny.

The carol’s history is uncertain, but a popular theory references Christianity and what the various gifts mean. The breakdown is as follows:

  • 2 Turtle Doves = The Old and New Testaments
  • 3 French Hens = Faith, Hope and Charity, the Theological Virtues
  • 4 Calling Birds = the Four Gospels or the Four Evangelists
  • 5 Golden Rings = The first Five Books of the Old Testament, the “Pentateuch,” which gives the history of man’s fall from grace
  • 6 Geese A-laying = the six days of creation
  • 7 Swans A-swimming = the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit, the seven sacraments
  • 8 Maids A-milking = the eight beatitudes
  • 9 Ladies Dancing = the nine Fruits of the Holy Spirit
  • 10 Lords A-leaping = the ten commandments
  • 11 Pipers Piping = the eleven faithful apostles
  • 12 Drummers Drumming = the twelve points of doctrine in the Apostle’s Creed
  • The partridge in the pear tree represents Jesus Christ.

Giving someone all 12 of the gifts…would be pricey.

The cost of all the gifts comes to a hefty $46,729.86 (2023). If you think $46,729.86 is high, just wait until you see the “true cost of Christmas in a song,” which factors in every single time the gifts are repeated in the carol. That comes out to $210,972.66 for 364 total items.

No matter the price, giving someone all that stuff is probably not a great idea; think of all the bird poop.

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